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Idiopathic Scoliosis
Congenital Scoliosis
Adult Scoliosis
Cervical Kyphosis
Other Kyphosis
Ankylosing SpondyliticKyphosi
Cervical Spondylosis
Tuberculous Spondylitis
Atlanto-axial Subdislocation
Spinal Trauma
Spinal Tumor
Artificial Cervical Disc
Artificial Lumbar Disc
   Idiopathic Scoliosis>>Case 1 total 0 item case   

      Liu**, 21-year-old female patient of AIS, had the different height of shoulders before the operation. Her spinal was severe “razor-back” deformity and deviation towards the right side. The left thoracic cage had fallen into the same side pelvis. The body balance cannot be sustained. She was very easily to fall down when standing at attention and also had moderate restrictive ventilatory disorder and severe obstructive ventilatory disorder. In the peroperation assessment, the Cobb measuring was 145˚and thoracic vertebrae bodies were 90˚rotation to the right side. Furthermore, the blood type of the patient is rare Rh(-)(been found in only 3% population)which increased the difficulty and risk of the operation. On Sept.18th 2006, the patient underwent the posterior extensive solution orthopaedics. After the operation, the body balance was recovery and the “razor-back” was to rectify completely. The body height of postperation was 20 cm higher than peroperation. The patient and all her family were satisfy with the effect of orthopaedics. After 3 weeks of the operation, the patient could walk by herself without limping.